68th Annual General Meeting

The 68th Annual General Meeting is going to be held on Wednesday, 22. April 2015, at 10:30 a.m. at the Austria Center Vienna, 1220 Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1.

At our company's 68th annual General Meeting of shareholders that took place on 22 April 2015, the following resolutions were passed, each with the required majority.

1. Dividend

For the fiscal year 2014, the distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.29 per share was decided.
The dividend will be paid out on 12 May 2015.

2. Discharge of the Managing Board

The Members of the Managing Board were discharged from their responsibilities for each of their terms of office in the past fiscal year 2014

3. Discharge of the Supervisory Board

The Members of the Supervisory Board were discharged from their responsibilities for each of their terms of office in the past fiscal year 2014

4. Appointment of the Auditor of the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for fiscal year 2015

The General Meeting appointed Deloitte Audit Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH Auditor of the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for fiscal year 2015.

5. Elections to the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting appointed as members of the Supervisory Board effective upon the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting for the time up until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting during which approval for financial year 2019 will be resolved, the following people:

  • Gilbert Frizberg (Chair)
  • Michael Süß (1st Deputy Chair)
  • Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauß (2nd Deputy Chair)
  • Harald Kaszanits
  • Martin Krajcsir
  • Peter Layr
  • Werner Muhm
  • Susanne Riess
  • Jürgen Roth
  • Christa Wagner


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