Clean Electricity for Therapy
VERBUND Stromvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. and RWA Wasserkraft GmbH signed jointly with the Austrian Association of Energy Consumers (ÖEKV) an outline agreement on the Lower Austrian Medical Board-Power Pool.
Clean electricity generated from hydropower will be involved in the health of the Lower Austrians in the future. From 10-01-2001 on doctors in Lower Austria can buy clean power from VERBUND and Raiffeisen Wasserkraft for their offices as well as their households. Wednesday, 4th of July, the outline agreement on the Lower Austrian Medical Board-Power Pool was officially signed by the initiator, Austrian Association of Energy Consumers (ÖEKV), the Lower Austrian Medical Board, VERBUND Stromvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. and RWA Wasserkraft GmbH.
Last May the ÖEKV, on behalf of the Lower Austrian Medical Board, bargained with Austrian energy suppliers on the potential supply of power generated from renewable energy sources to Lower Austrian physicians. VERBUND Stromvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. and RWA ,Wasserkraft GmbH, who had submitted a syndicate offer, got the contract.
In addition to the attractive price, the certainty to buy exclusively clean power generated 100% from waterpower - guaranteed by the TÜV-certificate - as well as the unbureaucratic and free handling of the change of supplier were decisive.
The Lower Austrian physicians will be able to buy all the power they need - both for their private practices and their private households - via the Lower Austrian Medical Board-Power Pool starting October 1 of this year, the date when the power market will be opened completely. The Lower Austrian Medical Board counts more than 5,600 members; already now about 600 of these physicians wish to buy electricity from the pool.
The change to clean power is handled transparently and unbureaucratically by VERBUND Stromvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (for customers who buy more than 100,000 kWh per year) or RWA Wasserkraft GmbH (up to 100,000 kWh): All formalities for the customers - cancelling old power supply contracts and negotiating grid user contracts - are settled by the power companies. As previously there will be only one electricity bill, in which, however, the grid part and the energy part will be posted separately, as required by the law.
Currently the ÖEKV is informing the prospective buyers about how to register with the power pool.