VERBUND Annual Report 2003 Wins International Golden ARC Award
With its Annual Report 2003 VERBUND won gold in the “overall“ category (general impression) at the Annual Report Competition (ARC), the largest and most important competition of its kind in the world. This means that the VERBUND Annual Report ranks among the best reports worldwide.
Every year, the best annual reports in the world get the international ARC award for outstanding performance in creativity and communication. This year, approximately 2,000 annual reports from 35 countries were presented. The assessment includes the presentation of a company, the presentation of its financial data, how the corporate culture is conveyed and the clarity of design and text.
This year it was the 18th ARC Competition organized by the New York ranking agency MerComm. The award’s internationally high reputation is based on the organizer’s independence, the competent assessment and the candid feedback the jurors give the participating companies concerning their annual reports. The jurors are international experts from the areas of investor relations, finances, journalism, design and photography.
The central creative idea is derived from the element that makes VERBUND the powerhouse in Austria’s energy industry: Water. Through a specifically designed transparent plastic slipcase this can be “grasped” in the true sense of the word. A smooth water surface is set in motion by opening the slipcase. Thus the annual report’s key message is also communicated in a non-verbal manner: VERBUND - a modern company in motion. Austria’s powerhouse.
The winners of the gold award will receive their prizes at a gala at the Ritz Carlton in New York on September 9, 2004. In the framework of this event also the Grand Awards will be presented, for which the small circle of the gold award winners is nominated.
VERBUND (Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG):
Andreas Wollein, Georg Lauber (Investor Relations),
Gerald Schulze, Winnie Matzenauer (Communications)
aha puttner red cell:
Günter Roth, Hellmut Schneider (consulting), Benno Flotzinger, Dagmar Günther (design), Gerald Liebminger, Udo Titz, Getty Images (photography)