Herbert Schröfelbauer reappointed Chairman of the Board of Management


At the Supervisory Board Meeting held by VERBUND-Austrian Hydro Power AG (AHP) on Monday, 20 February 2006, Construction Councillor h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Herbert Schröfelbauer was appointed Chairman of the Board of Management of VERBUND-Austrian Hydro Power AG for another five years until the end of 2011.

Herbert Schröfelbauer (59) joined the Board of Management of AHP on 1 Jan. 2002 and has been heading the technical agendas of the company as Chairman of the Board of Management ever since. Previously, he spent seven years as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management of Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts AG (VERBUND). This means that AHP will continue to be successfully managed by the proven management duo, Construction Councillor Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Herbert Schröfelbauer and Ing. Mag. Michael Amerer.

Herbert Schröfelbauer holds leading positions on many national and international boards. He is also Area Spokesperson of VEÖ, Deputy President of ÖWAV, Member of the Management Board of EURELECTRIC and the European association of power companies VGB Power Tech e.V., as well as Deputy President of the Austrian Standards Institute.

AHP employees around 1,000 employees and owns and runs hydroelectric plants in seven federal provinces. In its 90 hydroelectric plants with an annual turbine performance of 6,000 MW annually, AHP generates 22,800 million kilowatt hours of electricity, and thus a third of the amount of electricity produced in Austria. Two power plants - Leoben and Gerlos II - are currently under construction. AHP is thus by far the largest producer of environmentally friendly electricity generated from hydropower in Austria.