VERBUND AG: New appointments to the VERBUND Executive Board


At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of VERBUND AG, a listed company, filled the four Executive Board positions, which had been publicly advertised on 16 January 2013, for a period of five years.

The previous Executive Board appointments of Executive Board Chairman Wolfgang Anzengruber, Vice-Chairman Johann Sereinig and Executive Board member Günther Rabensteiner were extended unanimously. 

Peter Kollmann was appointed as a new Executive Board member with responsibility for finance. The 50-year old Austrian has held various international positions with Merrill Lynch since 1995. As CFO, he will be responsible for the Finance division; previously, Wolfgang Anzengruber was both CEO and CFO.

The new contracts for all four Executive Board members run from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018.

The curriculum vitae of Wolfgang Anzengruber, Johann Sereinig and Günther Rabensteiner can be accessed at


Andreas Wollein Andreas Wollein

Head of Group Finance and Investor Relations

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