VERBUND AG: New appointments to the VERBUND Executive Board
At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of VERBUND AG, a listed company, filled the four Executive Board positions, which had been publicly advertised on 16 January 2013, for a period of five years.
The previous Executive Board appointments of Executive Board Chairman Wolfgang Anzengruber, Vice-Chairman Johann Sereinig and Executive Board member Günther Rabensteiner were extended unanimously.
Peter Kollmann was appointed as a new Executive Board member with responsibility for finance. The 50-year old Austrian has held various international positions with Merrill Lynch since 1995. As CFO, he will be responsible for the Finance division; previously, Wolfgang Anzengruber was both CEO and CFO.
The new contracts for all four Executive Board members run from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018.
The curriculum vitae of Wolfgang Anzengruber, Johann Sereinig and Günther Rabensteiner can be accessed at