Smart stores for clean mobility and a safe grid
In recent months, VERBUND has commissioned three local battery stores at ultra-fast charge locations of SMATRICS EnBW in Austria (Wien Favoriten, Feldkirchen near Graz and Innsbruck) as well as at two locations of Allego in Germany (Bergkirchen and Heppenheim). Three further locations are scheduled to come on line by year’s end. With its innovative overall concept for complex challenges of the mobility revolution, VERBUND is the leading provider on the market. In the project SYNERG-E, VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH is marking the next milestone on the way to the energy future.
In the future, it will be possible to charge electric vehicles increasingly quickly. The new ultra-fast charging stations supply up to 350 kW of power. This means that a range of 100 km can be charged in only five minutes. What delights car drivers comes with huge challenges for the power grid. With increasing charge power for the newest generation of electric vehicles, grid connection outputs of up to 1 MW will be needed for e-mobility charging hubs. The SYNERG-E project takes up these challenges and the associated high system costs for the installation and operation of high-power charging infrastructure for electromobility and develops new solutions.
Local buffer stores ensure mobility and network stability
The main task of the energy power packs is to take the strain off the electricity grid through “peak shaving”. When electric cars charge at ultra-fast charging points capable of delivering up to 350 kW, then a portion of the energy and power required can be immediately drawn from the battery. This ensures that the grid is not put under too much strain and network charges remain reasonable. At times when the charging station is not being used, the buffers are recharged with 100% renewable electricity from VERBUND and their flexibility used for grid services such as balancing energy.First battery store for use on the balancing energy market
The battery stores at the distribution points in Wien Favoriten, in Feldkirchen near Graz and in Innsbruck are the first pre-qualified battery stores for the balancing energy market in Austria. The two battery stores in Bergkirchen and Heppenheim will also be pre-qualified and are intended for use on the balancing energy market in Germany. Additionally, the flexibilities of the batteries can also be used for the intraday market. Thanks to intelligent optimisation and swarm control via Volery, a digital optimisation platform of VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH, the batteries will be charged at the most favourable times of day and marketed on the energy market.Tailored control
The smart controlling and monitoring of all system components such as battery, charging station and grid connection is performed by the “Smart Grid Management System”. The system tailored by the VERBUND Energy4Business team ensures that all components communicate and function optimally with each other. A major advantage of this “home-made” solution is that the requirements for the controller are precisely defined, which means they can be adapted for other applications in the area of industry and mobility with relatively little effort.SYNERG-E: clean mobility and a safe grid
Exploiting synergies, connecting sectors
SYNERG-E addresses the sector coupling of energy and mobility, and is funded by the synergy call of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) of the European Commission. The project is being realised under the direction of VERBUND with the partners Allego and SMATRICS EnBW. Additional locations in Austria and Germany are being planned.
The term sector coupling refers to the networking of different areas with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions as far as possible through electrification on the basis of renewable energies and increasing energy efficiency. Electricity and heat supplies, transport and industrial processes should be considered in the round and subsequently complement each other.