Olivia Schauerhuber is new head of VERBUND Corporate Development


Olivia Schauerhuber takes over management of Corporate Development at VERBUND AG

In May 2021, Olivia Schauerhuber will take over management of the newly set up VERBUND division of Corporate Development. She will therefore be responsible for the areas of Strategy, Energy Industry and M&A of Austria's leading energy company. 
The native Viennese has had a long career in the telecommunications industry and brings with her extensive experience in strategic and operational management with a focus on Strategy, Marketing & Sales Controlling and Business Transformation. 

Having completed a degrees in business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2003, Olivia Schauerhuber started out at T-Mobile (today's Magenta Telekom), where she progressed through several areas ranging from Controlling to Marketing and Strategy in a variety of management roles. In her role as divisional director for Corporate Strategy & Portfolio Management, she was responsible for the billion-euro acquisition of UPC Austria and the successful integration of both companies under the newly created Magenta brand. She was most recently responsible as head of Consumer Marketing & Channel Management for the company’s further development as a convergent provider of landline, mobile communications and entertainment as well as for the commercial introduction of the new 5G wireless standard.

Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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