Bridge refurbishment at the Danube power plant Jochenstein

23.10.2023Engelhartszell, Jochenstein

After almost 70 years, the power plant bridge is being repaired and strengthened. In order to carry out this work, the Danube crossing will have to remain closed until October 2024.

The Jochenstein power plant became fully operational in 1956. The power plant bridge at this narrow point of the Danube had already been completed two years before that. VERBUND is combining the overdue refurbishment with a programme of strengthening: in future, the bridge will be able to support three times the load. The Danube crossing will remain closed until October 2024 to allow the construction work to be carried out. VERBUND regrets this necessary action and thanks you for your understanding.

The Danube power plant Jochenstein was a masterpiece of power plant architecture. The dam is not straight, but curves against the flow of the Danube at this narrow point; the only Danube power plant to do so. The structure alleviates a narrow point dreaded by shipping passing through the area. Every year, five Kaplan turbines generate enough electricity to power 240,000 households. 

The 68 year-old bridge has theoretically reached the end of its life and refurbishment is unavoidable. The bridge also carries the cables for controlling the weir fields, through which the Danube flows at high water. The construction work carried out in 2023 revealed an increased, age-related need for repairs that was not apparent when the refurbishment began.

To improve the bridge for the future, the structure will be strengthened. Its load-carrying capacity will be tripled from 10 to 30 tonnes. This will also improve access for emergency vehicles. Existing precast concrete parts for the carriageway and cable duct will be replaced by a steel structure, which will reduce the bridge’s weight. The work should be completed by the end of October 2024.


Portrait Florian Seidl Florian Seidl

Spokesperson Region East

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Bridge construction site at Jochenstein

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