VERBUND: disconnection waiver, support services & attractive offers


  • Disconnection waiver in winter (1/12/2023 – 31/3/2024)
  • Broad-based support measures for people in emergency situations
  • Electricity tariff with no commitment and no risk: 75% of existing VERBUND customers have already moved onto the new loyalty tariff

As Austria’s leading energy company, VERBUND is also putting in place a broad range of support measures for people in emergency situations this winter. "We can see how challenging inflation and increased energy prices are, especially for lower-income households. We want to see our customers safely through the coming months," says Sales Director Josef Neubauer.

For the entire Austrian e-economy, the industry-wide, voluntary disconnection waiver for electricity and gas applies in the period from 1.12.2023 to 31.3.2024. "For VERBUND customers with payment difficulties, we offer extensive advice and support, for example in the form of instalment arrangements. In addition, we will not disconnect any customers because of outstanding payments or arrears for the entire winter period," says Neubauer.

VERBUND support measures

For many people, the increase in energy costs represents a serious financial challenge. To help them quickly and tangibly, numerous financial support mechanisms have been put in place:

the VERBUND hardship fund was specially set up for VERBUND customers who are particularly badly affected by rising energy costs and, for example, are in receipt of unemployment benefit or a minimum pension. The fund provides financial support by waiving or reducing the person’s obligation to pay energy bills or make prepayments. The VERBUND hardship fund was set up in 2023 as a result of the energy price crisis and is endowed with 10 million euros.

The VERBUND Electricity Relief Fund in collaboration with CARITAS can be utilised by all households in Austria, regardless of who their energy supplier is. The CARITAS social counselling centres provide free energy advice, free appliance replacement, through to temporary financial support with their energy bill. The VERBUND electricity assistance fund was set up in 2009 and was increased to 5 million euros last year as a result of the energy crisis.


The following offers are available to new and existing customers:

VERBUND loyalty offer: attractive fixed price without contract commitment or risk: around 75% of existing customers have already accepted the VERBUND loyalty offer for a fixed electricity price of 19.70 cents net or 23.64 cents gross per kilowatt hour, guaranteed for 12 months and without contractual obligation. They also get one month of free energy1. The switch is easy and risk-free: the loyalty offer guarantees an attractive fixed price without contractual commitment – which means that customers can also cancel the agreement at any time. The offer contains a lower, fair energy price, a price guarantee for the next 12 months – with price reductions also a possibility depending on market movements – and no commitment. There are no changes to the General Terms and Conditions (GTCs), while existing credits, such as free months, retain their validity.

VERBUND has an attractive offer for new customers with an electricity price of 22.00 cents net or 26.40 cents gross per kilowatt hour with a base price of €4.79 per month.


Full information on the VERBUND support measures

Full information on the loyalty offer:

VERBUND Customer Service
+43 (0)50 313 51788
Mon–Fri 7 am – 6 pm

1 Bonus on VERBUND electricity loyalty 07/23 in 1st year of contract. The bonus corresponds to an 8.33% discount on the energy price (working and base price) for consumption in the first 12 months of supply (excl. grid costs, taxes and charges). The discount is applied as a credit on the respective bill. Valid until revoked. Pro rata billing for early termination of contract or product change.

Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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