VERBUND heat pump total solution for private customers


VERBUND offers a tailored complete heat pump solution with an exclusive heat pump tariff. High-quality heat pumps from the company Viessmann are used.

Austria will exit from fossil forms of heating (coal, oil and gas heating) by 2040; gas boilers cannot be installed in newbuilds from 2023.

For customers who have the possibility to switch to an alternative offer that allows them to heat in an environmentally friendly way and independent of fossil fuels, VERBUND and its selected, qualified installation partners have been offering an attractive, complete heat pump solution since May – from suitability check and quotation with package prices through to installation and subsidy processing. High-quality heat pumps from the company Viessmann are used; on the one hand, they are noted for their quiet operation and on the other for an eco-friendly refrigerant, and therefore qualify for the current federal subsidy of up to three quarters of the cost (max. 16,000 euros) involved in converting from gas and oil heating systems.

Always more cost-efficient on a heat pump tariff

The offer is rounded off by a special VERBUND-Strom heat pump tariff for private customers with their own heat pump, which is around 10% cheaper than the regular VERBUND-Strom tariff both for new and existing customers. More info: sign up for the VERBUND heat pump tariff for new customers today

Existing customers will be contacted directly by VERBUND via the relief package communication regarding the possibility to switch to the heat pump tariff
Ingun Metelko Ingun Metelko

Company Spokesperson

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