PV system in Güssing opened


The new PV system in the municipal area of Güssing has an output of 2.7 megawatts and an average annual generation of 300,000 kilowatt hours, and can therefore supply around 850 households with green electricity. Together with Raiffeisen Regionalbank Güssing-Jennersdorf, VERBUND offered the citizens of Güssing an investment model: with “Climate Savings” (Klimasparen), residents benefit from attractive interest rates without project risk, directly from the PV system from the very first year.

VERBUND has been involved in the expansion of renewable energy in Austria for decades and is thus making an important contribution to the energy transition. VERBUND has set itself the goal of supplementing its impressive hydropower portfolio with 25% energy generation from wind and PV by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, VERBUND is currently active in the home markets of Austria and Germany, in Southern Europe (Spain and Italy) and in Eastern Europe (Romania and Albania). Growth has been impressive since this business division was established in 2019. VERBUND now operates wind power and photovoltaic systems with an installed capacity of more than 1,000 MW in these markets and is Austria’s largest wind power operator with an installed wind power capacity of approx. 750 MW. 

VERBUND built a new photovoltaic system in the municipality of Güssing in southern Burgenland, which was commissioned in January 2024. The photovoltaic system comprising 5,100 PV modules generates 3 GWh of clean electricity, which can supply almost 25% of the population of Güssing every year. This marks another milestone in the expansion of renewable energies in VERBUND’s home market of Austria. 

Gentle utilisation of land around the facility

The environmental concept behind the PV system in Güssing harmonises nature and renewable energy generation in southern Burgenland. It is adapted to the needs of native meadow-breeding bird species and insects. For example, the area is mowed on the basis of a professional maintenance concept to create nesting sites and an optimal source of food for wildlife. The entire area is free of fertilisers and pesticides, which promotes a healthy and flourishing ecosystem. In addition, the cuttings produced on the land are used for biogas production, making optimum use of resources and minimising waste. 

Climate Saving: investing in renewable energy for the region

VERBUND seeks an alliance with the people in order to move forward together in the energy transition. VERBUND, in cooperation with Raiffeisen Regionalbank Güssing-Jennersdorf, therefore offered its neighbours the opportunity to participate financially in the local energy transition with “Climate Savings” (Klimasparen). Participation was conditional on residence in the municipality of Güssing.

Details on the facility

  • Location: north-west of the centre of Güssing, southern Burgenland
  • Surface area: 3 ha
  • Capacity: 2.7 MWp
  • Electricity generation: approx. 3 GWh
  • Power supply: 850 households* 
  • Avoided tonnes of CO2 per year: 2,200 t CO2** 
  • Construction time: 5 months

    * 3,500 kWh average consumption per household
    *** Calculation based on direct CO2 emissions from thermal generation in Europe, based on IEA

    Ecology and economy go hand in hand here, which is why there are not only long-term benefits in the fight against global heating and the exit from fossil energy. Thanks to an attractive interest rate, the benefits of electricity from renewable energy can be felt from the very first year.

    •Volume: €300,000 
    •Interest rate: 5% annual interest paid
    •Term: 5 years
    •Savings deposit: €1,000 to €3,000 per person

    The opening of this new photovoltaic system is another important milestone on the way to a greener and more sustainable energy supply throughout Austria.


Portrait Florian Seidl Florian Seidl

Spokesperson Region East

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