Wind power in Grünbach: citizens should decide!

13.06.2024Grünbach bei Freistadt, Rainbach im Mühlviertel

On 2 June, 56% of the population of Rainbach voted to use the energy of wind power in their municipality. This now opens the way for the environmental impact assessment. The municipality benefits from low-cost electricity, investment products and compensation payments. The citizens in Grünbach are also set to decide.

“On 20 June, the Grünbach municipal council will discuss the use of wind power. We would like the municipality to give its citizens a direct say in this complex issue,” says VERBUND project manager Philipp Stöger. 

Since February, an intensive public dialogue has been underway in both municipalities regarding a total of 7 planned wind power plants around the Schiffberg. Three wind turbines are planned in the municipality of Rainbach and four in Grünbach. The prerequisite for this is a successful environmental impact assessment. With a voter turnout of 60%, 56% in Rainbach voted in favour of the energy solution using wind power. “We are confident that our energy solution will also meet with this approval in Grünbach. The municipal council should therefore also authorise a referendum in Grünbach,” says Philipp Stöger.

Klimasparen (Climate Saving) with wind power

An important form of participation in wind power around the Schiffberg is the Klimasparen (Climate Saving) product: together with a bank partner from the region, VERBUND offers a proven model of a fixed-interest investment product. Interest at a rate of up to 5% will be possible for a term of 5 years. Up to 5% of the investment volume is thus achieved through a one-off investment. Up to 5,000 euros per person can be subscribed. The Klimasparen (Climate Saving) product is reserved exclusively for residents of municipalities in which the wind power sites are located. 

Low and stable electricity prices 

The wind turbines offer yet another advantage: with the VERBUND citizen electricity model, residents will receive low-cost electricity from the planned wind turbines. Citizens are guaranteed a price 9.6 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 3,500 kilowatt hours per year. Consumption in excess of this is covered by a standard VERBUND tariff. This model aims at offering neighbours direct added value from the wind power plants.

Compensation payment for municipalities

By law, wind power projects do not generate any income for municipalities. Based on an expert opinion, VERBUND offers the municipalities compensation per plant and year to make up for lost revenue from financial equalisation and municipal tax. 


Portrait Florian Seidl Florian Seidl

Spokesperson Region East

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