Wind power: green light for VERBUND project in the municipality of Rainbach

13.12.2024Rainbach im Mühlkreis

After the citizens spoke out in favour of the forward-looking use of wind power in a referendum in June, the municipal council formally approved the start of the approval process on Thursday.

Following the positive outcome of the referendum in the summer, planning on the Schiffberg project continued apace. Since the end of June, a mast equipped with sensors at a strategically important location has been measuring wind speed, wind direction and air pressure at different heights. The mast will remain in place for more than twelve months to collect representative data. The activities of bats will continue to be investigated.

Next step: environmental impact assessment

At its public meeting on 12 December, the municipal council approved an environmental impact assessment. The suggestion to change the land use designation to “grassland special designation” was also approved. 
The three planned wind turbines, which have a maximum hub height of 175 metres, will generate around 7 MW of clean electricity per year for around 10,000 households, which roughly corresponds to the household consumption of the town of Ried.

Municipal council vote in Rainbach

The municipal council of the market town of Rainbach has decided by a majority to initiate the process of amending the zoning plan and to approve the EIA procedure for the Schiffberg wind farm project. The vote was preceded by a referendum in June of this year, in which 55.3% of the population of Rainbach voted in favour of the construction of wind turbines.
In the public vote, which was watched with interest by numerous observers, including from the surrounding communities, approval for the EIA procedure and the initiation of an amendment to the zoning plan was given by a majority.
“I am pleased with the municipal council’s approval, which also fulfils the will of our population. Direct democracy is working in Rainbach, and it was the right decision to include the entire population in this decision-making process. What is important now is to implement the project quickly. By supplying renewable energy, we are taking the right step into the future,” says Mayor Günter Lorenz.
“As part of the approval process, we will answer all questions transparently and continue our dialogue with the community,” says project manager Philipp Stöger. The project is comprehensively documented from construction to possible dismantling. The aim is to submit the planning application before the end of 2025. If construction begins in 2029, initial operation of the wind farm could take place in 2030.

Sound limits must be adhered to

The authority thoroughly examines each wind farm in the approval process for its environmental impact. The most important asset are people and their health. Modern wind turbines are designed and operated in such a way that they comply with the applicable noise limits. The authority will not make a decision until all the documents and expert opinions are available, starting with the shadow casting and taking the birdlife into account.  

Grünbach: holding of a referendum on 1 June 2025

In the neighbouring community of Grünbach, the municipal council set a date for the referendum at the request of the citizens’ initiative. On 1 June 2025, almost exactly one year after Rainbach, the citizens of Grünbach will also have their say on the energy future of their community. VERBUND is planning four wind turbine systems similar to the model in Rainbach. 

Low and stable electricity prices

With the VERBUND citizen electricity model, residents will receive low-cost electricity from the planned wind turbines. Citizens with a VERBUND contract 
are guaranteed 3,500 kilowatt hours for 20 years at a price of 9.6 cents per kilowatt hour (excluding taxes, grid fees, etc.). For commercial, agricultural and residential properties with heat pumps, a consumption of up to 5,000 kWh applies. This model aims at offering the population in the municipality of Rainbach and Grünbach direct added value from the wind power plants.



Portrait Florian Seidl Florian Seidl

Spokesperson Region East

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