Environmental management systems

The certification of our environmental management system requires regular assessment of certified plants of VERBUND by external auditors.

VERBUND has implemented environmental management systems in accordance with ISO 14001 at all power plants and grid facilities, as well as the large administrative sites. Our thermal power plants in Mellach are additionally validated according to the EMAS regulation. For these plants, a separate environmental statement is published annually on this website. New plants are integrated into the environmental management system as quickly as possible after commissioning and included in the scope of  the certificate during the subsequent audit.

If you have any questions concerning the scopes of our environmental management systems, please write an email to our sustainability team.

Certificates of management systems in other areas like quality, energy or health & safety are also listed in the following table.

Overview environmental and other management systems at VERBUND sites:

  Reports/Documents (German only) Comments  Certificates



VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH

VERBUND Innkraftwerke GmbH 

Grenzkraftwerke GmbH

Hydropower Environmental policy In 2023, ISO 14001 certification was extended to all three hydropower companies (formerly for nine power plant groups).

ISO 14001 Hydropower  U-04877/0 

ISO 14001 Grenzkraft U-03514/0

ISO 14001 Innkraft U-02311/0

Ennskraft AG

Environmental policy Since 2008 all power plants ISO 14001 certified, for details see www.ennskraft.at ISO 14001 U-00959/0

power plant Albania
Energji Ashta SH.P.K.

  Since 2016 the power plant of Energji Ashta, a project company of VERBUND and EVN in Shkoder, Albania is ISO 14001 certified. ISO 14001 031676062340

Wind power and Photovoltaics 

Operation wind parks and photovoltaics Environmental policy VERBUND Green Power GmbH - Asset Management, Operation Monitoring & Maintenance GMO certified according to ISO 14001 since 2014. ISO 14001 U-02684/0
Wind parks, Spain    Operational management SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGY, S.A. is ISO 14001-certified

ISO 14001 GAMESA 01 104 115165

Wind parks, Spain & Germany   Operational management VESTAS is ISO 14001-certified. ISO14001_VESTAS_166333-2014-AQ-DEN-DANAK
Photovoltaics, Spain   Operational management EIFFAGE ENERGÍA, S.L.U. is ISO 14001-certified. ISO14001_EIFFAGE_GA2007/0637
Photovoltaics, Spain   Operational management BAYWA R.E. ESPAÑA, S.L.U. is ISO 14001-certified.

ISO14001 BAYWA MA-3811/20

Photovoltaics, Spain   Operational management LANTANIA, S.A.U. is ISO 14001-certified. ISO14001 LANTANIA GA-2018/0241
Wind parks, Germany   Operational management ENERCON GmbH is ISO 14001-certified ISO14001 ENERCON-C587791-EN
Wind parks, Romania Environmental policy  VERBUND Wind Power Romania is ISO 14001-certified since 2021.

ISO 14001 No 20104203008217

Thermal Power      

Enviromental declaration (german data 2023)

Environmental declaration supplement sheets 2023 (data 2022)

Environmental declaration supplement sheets 2022 (data 2021)

Environmental Declaration 2021 (data 2020)

Power plants certified according to EMAS and ISO 14001, for more details about the Mellach gas combined-cycle and district heating power plants, see power plants.

EMAS AT-000002

ISO 14001 U-00243/0

Transmission grid      
Austrian Power Grid AG IMS policy

All facilities (grid and substations) in the high-voltage power grid of our independent subsidiary APG are certified in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and OHSAS 18001. APG publishes relevant data in its annual report – see www.apg.at.

ISO 9001 Q-31046/0
ISO 14001 U-05095/0
ISO 27001 I-00050/0
ISO 27019 IEUI-00005/0
ISO 45001 OHS-01829/0

Gas Connect Austria GmbH IMS mission statement All facilities of Gas Connect Austria (GCA) are certified in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001. Website www.gasconnect.at.

IMS Certificate

ISO 27001 Certificate

Vienna Environmental mission statement Corporate Headquarters, General Services, certified according to ISO 14001. ISO 14001 U-01975/0
Telecommunication  Quality policy Department for telecommunication is certified according to ISO 9011 since 2011. ISO 9001 Q-10156/0
VUM Klagenfurt Guiding principles

VUM "Verfahren Umwelt Management GmbH" - see http://www.vum.co.at/ - Environmental & Project Management and Chemical and Physical Testing Laboratory. Since 2005 certified according to ISO 9001, since 2013 according to ISO 14001 and since 2019, an Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to ISO 45001 is certified.

ISO 9001 Q-04124/0
ISO 14001 U-02050/0
ISO 45001 S-0289/0

Umwelterklärung 2015
Umwelterklärung 2015

power plant group
Mur und Enns
power plant group
Mur und Enns
Environmental mission statement 

ISO 14001 U-02684/0
ISO 14001 U-02684/0