VERBUND is a “supporter in the Bavarian energy transition team”

09.07.2024Aschau am Inn

VERBUND has been named an official “supporter in the Bavarian energy transition team” by the Bavarian state government. In the presence of the Vice-President of Lower Bavaria, the district administrators of Rosenheim, Mühldorf and Altötting districts and over 30 mayors of the communities where the Bavarian Inn power plants are located, Minister of State Aiwanger presented the award to VERBUND CEO Achim Kaspar and the managing directors of VERBUND Wasserkraft Bayern, Michael Amerer and Karl Heinz Gruber, at the “Hydropower Dialogue” event in Aschau am Inn.

The Bavarian hydropower producer was honoured for its comprehensive activities to modernise and green the 21 hydropower plants in Bavaria and on the border between Bavaria and Austria in connection with the necessary transformation of the energy system. “This award is a special confirmation of VERBUND’s commitment to a climate-friendly energy future for Bavaria. The Töging power plant was recently renovated at a cost of 250 million euros. VERBUND is currently investing around 1.4 billion euros in hydropower in Austria and Bavaria in order to support the development of a sustainable energy future in both countries,” says VERBUND CEO Achim Kaspar, pleased about the appointment for VERBUND.

“I am delighted to add VERBUND as a supporter in the Bavaria energy transition team. The company stands for great commitment and a sense of responsibility in the implementation of our energy transition,” says Minister of State Aiwanger on the appointment of VERBUND Wasserkraft Bavaria as a supporter in the “Bavarian Energy Transition Team”.

The “Bavarian Energy Transition Team” ("Team Energiewende Bayern" (TEB)) is an initiative of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Anyone who is committed to the energy transition in Bavaria can participate in it. The appointment as “Supporter in the TEB” recognises, among other things, companies that play a pioneering role in the energy transition and increase its acceptance in society.

Minister of State Aiwanger opens modern hydropower screw at the Jettenbach weir

In 2022, VERBUND Innkraftwerke opened the modernised power plant in Töging with domestic carbon-free hydropower generation for around 200,000 Bavarian households. In addition, the weir in Jettenbach was also replaced by a new, more efficient one. In addition to the existing fish pass, this will be equipped with a new, modern hydropower screw to improve the fish ecology; in particular, this will help the fish to move downstream and also generate green electricity for over 300 households.

A near-bottom and a near-surface migration corridor will lead fish past the Inn Canal to the entrance area of the hydropower screw. The fish ladder at this point offers the fish an alternative migration route at the inlet to the headrace channel and enables them to descend into the natural Inn instead of entering the Inn Canal. The ultra-modern facility is designed for all 39 typical species of fish in the Inn, and its diameter of 3.6 metres is based on the largest species found, the Danube salmon.

“By investing around 1 million euros in the modern fish screw at the Jettenbach weir, we are underscoring our commitment to sustainable hydropower and the protection of fish stocks in the Inn. By 2027, VERBUND will have invested 400 million euros in restoration measures, fish passes and habitat improvements throughout its power plant regions in Austria and Bavaria. 75% of all VERBUND run-of-river power plants already have fish passes and are therefore barrier-free,” said VERBUND Wasserkraft managing director Michael Amerer, setting the direction.

Hubert Aiwanger: “Bavaria’s hydropower is more important than ever as a base load supplier for our energy supply. We therefore need to generate more electricity from hydropower, not less. We want to and we have to exploit the expansion potential in Bavaria of an estimated billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year. Construction of the new hydropower plant in Töging was an important part of this. Efficiency and ecology are equally crucial here. With the new hydropower screw at the weir in Jettenbach, VERBUND is increasing river consistency for fish and other creatures.”

Book project: Erbe und Zukunft eines Meisterwerks [Heritage and future of a masterpiece]

2024 marks the start of a new era for the more than 100-year-old Jettenbach-Töging power plant. The inauguration of the hydropower screw in Jettenbach marks the completion of the largest hydropower construction site in Germany. VERBUND has invested 250 million euros in modernising the oldest power plant on the Inn, thus continuing the technical success story.

This milestone deserves to be honoured in the form of a comprehensive publication. On 370 pages, more than 20 authors from a wide range of disciplines shed light on the heritage and future of a masterpiece – accompanied by a multitude of spectacular images from the past and present.

“The first part looks back at the beginnings of hydropower on the Inn. The focus here is not only on the astonishing facts and figures of the historic facility, but also on the social and economic developments that were unleashed by its construction and operation. The second part of the book deals with the technical renovations and efficiency increase of the power plant. Whether you’re interested in history, inspired by technology or simply curious, this book has something for all readers,” says VERBUND Wasserkraft managing director Michael Amerer, raising interest in the work.


Rainer Tschopp

Spokesperson Region West

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