Limberg 3 pumped storage power plant

The Kaprun upper stage/Limberg 3 pumped storage power plant is located in the municipality of Kaprun in the province of Salzburg and forms part of a large generation group of storage reservoirs and power plants.

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The existence of large, flexible pumped storage power plants is fundamental for the successful energy transition towards a CO2-free power supply.  For the time being, pumped storage is and will remain by far the most efficient way to store electricity cleanly on a large scale and to keep it available for demand peaks in the shortest possible time. 

For this purpose, a third transformer and power plant cavern will be built into the mountain next to the existing power plants and will be connected to the existing reservoirs Mooserboden and Wasserfallboden with a headrace tunnel.
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Once complete, Limberg III will be a power plant tailored quite specifically to the future needs of the energy transition. With the pumped storage power plant, we are increasing the capacity in Kaprun by 480 megawatts.


set quantity

Flow rate

per pump turbine set in m3/s

Power in megawatts

Two pump turbines with each 


in Mio. Euro

Power plant construction site 2024: What happened last year

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Lifting the ribbed shaft into position in October 2023

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Limberg 3 power plant construction site in April 2023

Site visit autumn 2022: in the Limberg 3 cavern

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Limberg 3 construction site in summer 2022

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VERBUND invests in the future of energy

The Limberg III power plant project was approved in 2017. It is a pumped storage power plant with a capacity of 480 megawatts in Kaprun. Like Limberg II, which was commissioned in 2011, it will be built completely underground between the two existing reservoirs Mooserboden (storage target 2,036 m) and Wasserfallboden (storage target 1,672 m).

It is also planned to raise the level of the Wasserfallboden reservoir by 8 meters. The increase in the Limberg dam that is necessary can be realized by using existing construction reserves while maintaining unrestricted dam safety. The necessary approval documents will be submitted to the responsible authorities in the next few weeks.

To the press release

Impressions of the ceremonial start of construction of Limberg 3

Technical data Limberg power plant

Average drop height 365 m
Machine set quantity 2
Turbine / pump power 2 x 240 MW
Flow rate per pump turbine set 72 m3/s
Total height of a machine set 18,5 m

Site sketch of the Limberg 3 project

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Image from the Location