Malta Lower Stage Run-of-River Power Plant

VERBUND's power plant at Malta, lower stage, is a run-of-river power plant situated on the river Möll between the towns of Möllbrücke and Sachsenburg in the municipality of Möllbrücke.

* Source: ENTSO-E Production 2017

The Malta Lower Stage run-of-river power plant was built between 1974 and 1979 in conjunction with the construction of the Malta Upper Stage and Malta Main Stage power plants. The power plant uses the head of 45 metres between the Rottau balancing reservoir of the Malta main stage and the Drava valley at Sachsenburg. Two vertically installed Kaplan turbines generate an annual average of 118 GWh of electricity. The Malta lower stage power plant is equipped with a fish ladder.

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Image from the Location

Owner VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH
Operator VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH
Commissioning 1979
Type Run-of-river power plant
Country Austria
Region Carinthia
Waters Drava, Möll
Output 41 MW
Annual output 117,913 MWh
Turbine Kaplan
Connectivity Fish bypass
Environmental protection at VERBUND
The run-of-river power plant is equipped with a fish bypass which has ensured the unhindered migration of fish since 2013. At the weir, the fish bypass was constructed in the form of an enature FISHPASS. It has a total length of 435 metres and overcomes a height difference of 15.5 metres. A very low flow speed allows above all juvenile fish and weak-swimming fish (e.g. European bullhead) to pass with ease.
The implementation of a large number of environmental measures in the Mölltal in 2014 included the near-natural design of the headrace channel of the Malta Lower Stage power plant. The removal of the canal bank now offers space for bank vegetation and areas of retreat for aquatic and shoreline lifeforms.
Responsible treatment of the environment
Turbines and generators: Inside the Möllbrücke power plant are two vertically installed machine sets with a total bottleneck capacity of 43,000 kW. They consist of one Kaplan turbine each with a rated output of 21,450 kW and a synchronous generator with a rated output of 27,000 kVA. 

Transformers: The generated electricity is fed into the grid via two block transformers and 110 kV open-air switchgear.

The Malta Lower Stage run-of-river power plant was built with the financial participation of KELAG and Energie AG Oberösterreich.