Alternative line route proposal


Upon an initial review of the report, the alternative transmission area for the 380 kV Tauern - Salzach neu overhead line, as proposed by EU coordinator Georg W. Adamowitsch, deviates considerably from that proposed by Verbund.

Although the presented variant means a high degree of additional planning effort, the focus for VERBUND-Austrian Power Grid AG is now on the seemingly possible joint solution with the citizens and the Salzburg federal state government. "In terms of a joint solution, which is aspired to and henceforth possible, we will now take an intense look at the proposal made by the EU coordinator and discuss our conclusions in detail with all those involved and affected," explained Heinz Kaupa, Chairman of the Board of VERBUND-Austrian Power Grid AG, in an initial statement.

A detailed statement on the report of the EU coordinator will be drawn up by VERBUND-Austrian Power Grid.